Dear Doctor...

...Physio... Chiro... Nurse... Health Care Professional,

Please do not forget to TALK to your patients. They pay (a lot of) time and money to make use of your expertise. They know that you are extremely busy (and very clever), but don't assume that they don't want to know what you are seeing and/or doing or what you are working and planning in/with their treatment. Also don't use so many medical terms that they "rather not ask" next time.

Watch them...
Listen to them...
and not only with your ears but with your heart!
Because isn't that why you became what you are: because you have a heart for people and to help people get well and stay well?

Yes time is money and yes situations are stresful but don't loose your empathy (your ability to put yourself in your patient's shoes). They are frustrated, they are confused, they are sceared, they might be in pain. Don't forget how that feels!

When my little girl was born prematurely she was on a ventilator for 10 days. Being a health professional myself, they might've assumed that I know that the ventilator bypasses her vocal cords and that she won't make a sound. I did not know! And added to my stress of having a premature baby in NICU I was crying for my child, because my child is not making a sound when she is crying. I matter-of-factly shared this with a Physio-friend of mine and she enlightened me... and thanked me for reminding her: to TALK to her patients (and their parents).

My dad recently had a Chiro-appointment. He was in so much pain and the Chiro evaluated him and manipulated him and needled him... but never took the time to explain anything to him?!

Remember to TALK to your patients! Don't loose that wonderful priviledge of engaging in conversation with the amazing minds ín the bodies, that enter our practices. Because in the end, we can learn more from our patients than we could ever imagine and only thén can we be the best health care professional we can be! 


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